Now we also know, again, there are more classified materials in here showing that Clinton was sharing classified information with Clinton Foundation people; looks like there may be more of a pay for play scandal here. Also some unusual activity with the Russia-America Foundation, so people will be interested in that
Contact: 202-646-5188
May 23, 2017

News Alert: New Clinton Emails Show Classified Information Sent to Clinton Foundation Employees

June 1, 2017 - 53seconds -"Judicial Watch released shocking new emails today from Huma Abedin’s account showing that Hillary Clinton once again may not have told the truth when she said she turned over all of her emails to the State Department and investigators.

Now we also know, again, there are more classified materials in here showing that Clinton was sharing classified information with Clinton Foundation people; looks like there may be more of a pay for play scandal here. Also some unusual activity with the Russia-America Foundation, so people will be interested in that.

Plus, it looks like Chelsea Clinton got a free ride on a State Department plane to watch a soccer match in Europe. It shows why the Justice Department should reopen, reinvigorate, and reexamine all the Clinton, Inc. investigations. A lot to see here in Judicial Watch’s new disclosures."

For more information, or to set up and interview with Tom, please contact Jill Farrell at 202-646-5172, or at or

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